Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So What's All This Fuss About JournoList?

So apparently there was this listserv called JournoList.  A bunch of liberal writers belonged to it, and would chat back and forth, help each other out with ideas, and whatnot.  Kind of a low tech, private FaceBook for the like-minded. Lots of prominent liberals belonged. And then one day, backlogs of this list were published (which is kind of sleazy, no matter how you slice it). Conservatives freaked out--and continue to do so--at this unprecedented, evil conspiracy.

Image from source, Salon
Um, okay.  Are they contending that there is no organized, brain-trusted equivalent on the right?  All of those right-wing talk shows come up with identical things to be outraged about day in and day out?  The right-wing memes that spread like a brush fire week in and week out are spontaneous?  I find that very hard to believe. Have you ever noticed that whatever the topic du jour is, you'll hear the same verbatim phrases coming out of the mouths of Sean Hannity and Lindsay Graham?  Well, maybe I was right.  One thing you can count on: if the right is getting all frothy about something, it's either totally made up, or they've done the very same thing.


On the team: The stunning hypocrisy of Journolist's critics

Nothing much can be learned from the manufactured media uproar over Journolist, except as a case study of how the right-wing propaganda machine still dominates America's daily narrative -- and how conservative journalists remain astonishingly exempt from the standards they are pretending to uphold.

Look no further than the outrage feigned by two of the nation's most prominent right-wing journalists, Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard (and Fox News) and John Fund of the Wall Street Journal, both of whom could barely contain their indignation over the revelation that a few hundred progressive writers and academics engaged in political discussion via e-mail. . .

Read more at: Salon


  1. Damn, we've been caught. Right after the Limbaugh show, we all gather by our computer and wait for the Big Guy to give us our marching orders. But it is encrypted, so the liberals wouldn't figure it out, until now.
    Why they all talk about the same things? Probably that is what draws ratings, I suppose.

  2. You know what I mean. Did you read the linked story, with the Grover Norquist meetings?

    What I mean is, nearly every radio show seems to hit on the same issue (often with the same phrasing, key words, etc.) at the same time. And funny how three stations in one town (that voted Democratic last election) are conservative and NONE (unless you count NPR) is liberal.

    Beyond that, I think there's something non-partisan at work too. Ever notice how there are usually one, two or three biggish stories across ALL media? This is a big planet, with a hell of a lot going on. But you'll rarely find more than three big stories whether you watch MSNBC, FOX or whatever. I've always found that a little weird. It's like every producer gets together at 3:00 am, and says "OK, here's what we're going to talk about today. . .MEL GIBSON! LINSAY LOHAN! BP Oil Spill, time permitting. . ."

    Oh and by the way, I don't consider NPR liberal, I consider it very, very STRANGE. Weirdest radio station ever.

  3. I like NPR for their Saturday programming, especially Garrison Keillor.
    And I agree with you on the same news is being reported. Who cares about Lindsay and Mel. But then Fox and and the others also have the beautiful women, usually blonde, who are the guests on shows like O'reilly and Hannity and CNN with that nasty woman on headline news, Nancy Grace.

  4. And hey, did you check out Rachel Maddow's high school picture? The was a blonde babe, no foolin!


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