Tuesday, August 31, 2010

DNC Ad Aims to Close "Enthusiasm Gap"

It's true. Democrats are not as enthusiastic about the upcoming election as the Republicans are. Outside of conventional wisdom, and historical precedent, this of course makes sense. Republicans got squashed in the last two elections, and they're champing at the bit to regain power.  So, this election is going to come down to a battle of enthusiasm, and the Democrats seem to have used all of theirs up in the last go around.  You mean we gotta do this again already? 

The wild card in this particular election is the sheer mount of crazy on the Republican side, with the Tea Baggers, and the fact that "the fringe" has taken over.  Add to that the fact that should Republicans take over, they'll not only revert to the policies that put America in the ditch, they'll try to undo any of the positive things that have happened since 2008.  Even worse, they've promised to keep the Obama Administration tied up in knots with ridiculous investigations, subpoenas, and have even threatened impeachment inquiries.  Great.  So much for Obama ignoring all of the things that the Bush Administration did.

So--possibly too late--the DNC is trying to drum up some enthusiasm by showing them exactly who would be in charge, should Republicans be victorious in November.  It's a good strategy, but it needs to be much bigger, much louder, and more pervasive.  They need to take a few news cycles away from each week's FOX "News" inspired faux outrage.  So, get enthusiastic, Democrats!  You don't have to slavishly follow our guys, you've just got to go to the polls and make sure the nutters don't get the keys to the car.  Trust me, the Republicans won't care how they win. They don't care if they only get into office because we were too apathetic to vote, and they win by default.  A protest "sit out" helps nobody but Republicans.

1 comment:

  1. You have a very good analysis of this. The GOP found out in 2008 what happens when you sit it out or have no enthusiasm. The same things may happen to the dem's now. I am sure the Dem's are not crazy about the Reid's, both of them. But the GOP is not that thrilled with Angle, so maybe the deciding race will be Heck vs Titus and Sandoval vs Reid. I think the Hispanics will get out and vote for Sandoval and maybe vote straight party line.
    Then again, maybe not. Maybe no one will show up.


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