Have you seen the album challenge? It's an internet thingy, sometimes on blogs, sometimes on Facebook, sometimes on Twitter, sometimes in email. Basically, it's a challenge to create an album cover for yourself, presuming you had your own band. It sounds silly, I know. But I'm a graphic artist, so I thought it might be fun. But given the fact that I
am a graphic artist, I was also worried that my results might look like crap and embarrass me. So I held them for a couple of weeks. And then, one of my favorite (and sometimes NSFW, so be careful) blogger posted his results, so I thought I would too. First, I created one for me, then for the other half. Here they are.
My first try, for me |
And if you want to do your own, here are the rules (wisely updated by Alex at VoenixRising.com, which as I said, may be NSFW).
1. Generate The Artist / Band Name by using the title of whatever page loads here:
2. Generate Album Title (use last few words of last quote like 1 to 5 words… whetever…) here: http://quotationspage.com/random.php3
3. Generate the album photo/artwork here:http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/
(The rule originally was choose only the 3rd image on this page, but I changed the rules to be ANY image on that page.)
My try for The Other Half
(Didn't get the rule about shortening the quote) | |
Use Photoshop or similar image editing software to create a square proportioned graphic using the above method to generate the content. I also think people should be allowed to do manipulations to the photo, in so far that the original image is for the most part, recognizable.
Very nice! I think the second one should be redone with "Just Found Out" as the album title. That would be PERFECT.
I like the first one. It is really good. Now, if you had the voice to go with it, you could go places.
ReplyDeleteSecond reminds me of Rex Ryan of the New York Jets. (you might have to look it up)