Friday, September 14, 2007

Rude Pundit: The Terri Schiavo War in Iraq

Illustration from source, Rude Pundit

I really enjoy, but usually cannot excerpt posts, because I'm squeamish about the language issue. Rude is rude, most of the time--not that I disagree or anything, I just like to keep it a little cleaner over here.

But this post eschews some of the bad language, and really nails it this time. Fair warning, if you read on past the post I'm linking to, you'll find that salty language I was speaking of. But you'll have a good time!


The Terri Schiavo War in Iraq

What is it with right wingers and their inability to just let dead causes die? For the way Iraq war supporters cling to this shameful debacle resembles nothing so much as their refusal to let Terri Schiavo finally expire back in 2005. The Petraeus/Crocker hearings were merely justification to keep the feeding tube in the oughta-be corpse. Bush's speech tonight is just more bullsh*t rhetoric to prop up the body.

It all just reaks of the putrescent smell of that disgraceful "debate" over the body of Terri Schiavo. The constant promise that miracles are possible, that they were just around the corner, even though Schiavo had been in the same state for years. The self-righteousness of those who wanted her hooked up to machines, consequences be damned, because doing so was in and of itself a good. The strange, sad idiocy of the few citizens who were chanting for Schiavo's right to "life," no matter if that life was merely an inexorable decline into complete breakdown. Those who wanted to let Schiavo die? Tarred as people who hate life. Christ, Bill O'Reilly may as well be telling us that Iraq is smiling at the balloon. Joe Lieberman barely even needs to write a new script.
. .

Read the rest at:

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