Right now, hard core conservatives--and by that, I mean of the Free Republic variety--are doing a happy dance for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons is the Senate vote for the new FISA bill, which provides retroactive immunity for telecom companies who broke the law for George W. Bush. One of the others is that the Congress issued a subpoena to Karl Rove, and he ignored it. . .and left the country. And of course, they are crowing because the Congress currently holds a meager 9% approval rating in the polls.
To the Freepers and their ilk, these are big victories. What I'd like to ask them--though I do not expect cogent answers--is, what is so great about these victories? Is it merely that you won, in your minds? Unlike most of you, I don't see politics as a football game or contest; us vs. them, or me vs. you. Each of these issues has shades of gray, or nuance, if you will. Let me break it down for you, with the following questions. . .
- What did the new FISA bill do to "protect" us that the old one didn't accomplish?
- What public good does it serve to give the telecom companies retroactive immunity?
- Do you believe that if you've got nothing to hide, is it OK for the government to spy on you?
- If Barack Obama is elected, will you be comfortable with his new, expanded powers?
- Warrantless wiretapping actually started long before 9/11. Did you know that? Does it matter?
- Karl Rove alleges that Bush didn't know anything about some of the things Rove is being subpoenaed for. How then can he claim executive privilege?
- Would you be so forgiving if Karl Rove was working for a Democratic President?
- Is lawbreaking OK, as long as it is done by "your side?"
- Almost half of the House and Senate are made up of Republicans. Have you considered that in your jubilation that Congress holds a 9% approval rating?
- If Barack Obama is elected, and his administration does things that you think are worthy of impeachment, what exactly do you intend to do about it? Are we in for "Socks the Cat," "Vince Foster" and "Troopergate" type idiocy again? After all the Bush Administration has done (and has gotten away with)?
- If members of a Barack Obama administration are subpoenaed to appear before Congress, will you stand silently by if they just refuse to show up?
I could go on for days, but I'll end it here. I'm seeding the labels section of this post with words that I hope will attract a few conservatives. A few are incendiary, and only intended to bring you here, so please, address the questions and not those words. Thank you.
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