Image from source, Raw Story
I really despise being treated like a criminal when I've done nothing wrong. Did your mother ever punish you for something someone else did? How about when you're trying to leave Best Buy or Wal-Mart, and you have to show someone your receipt to prove that you're not a thief? And of course, we're being tracked--probably right now--on the internet, telephones, you name it.
We've come to expect and even accept this sort of behavior at the airport, though, haven't we? We practically have to undress ourselves and turn out every pocket. And what they can't see that way, they'll view with their x-ray vision machines. These things came upon us little by little, and at every step, we reluctantly agree. And in all of the cases I've listed here, we're being treated as though we're all criminals. But hey, if you've got nothing to hide, you have no reason to worry, right?
Well how about this? Being required to wear a bracelet in order to get on the plane. It's a device that tracks your movements (and likewise there will be a device tracking your luggage--potentially beneficial, I suppose). But if you get out of hand, the flight crew can zap you into submission! Nice.
Terrorism expert downplays shock bracelet for airline passengers
It was recently reported that the Department of Homeland Security has expressed interest in a "safety bracelet" for air travelers that would include personal information and would not only track the wearer but also be capable of remotely delivering a taser-like shock. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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