Sunday, October 5, 2008

SNL Spoof of C-SPAN and Congress' Bailout Bill

One of the charges alleged of Saturday Night Live, is that they are "in the tank for Barack Obama." This skit should lay that to rest, but likely won't. That phrase is right up there with "up or down vote," or "tax and spend liberals" among conservative cliches. But even if SNL were "in the tank?" So what. They never claimed to be fair and balanced. And Sarah Palin is a much, much richer vein of humor to mine than any other politician out there.

Anyway, for proof that SNL can skewer both sides, witness this clip, featuring impressions of Congressman Barney Frank and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, among others. For the record, this "in the tank" gay liberal doesn't mind jokes being poked at Frank's expense, though it was done far, far better by Alec Baldwin. Couldn't Tina Fey have drug him along from the set of 30 Rock?

UPDATE: The video has apparently been pulled by NBC, and from just about everywhere else. Right-wing websites are abuzz that this is George Soros or Herbert and Marion Sandler (who were depicted in the skit) excercising their "power." If you're curious, here is a link to one of the sites, with the conspiracy theory and a bootleg of the skit. It's Michelle Malkin, so consider the source.

UPDATE II: The video is back, for now.


  1. Why has the SNL spoof on C Span bailout been pulled from the internet?

  2. I don't know. It's a hazard of posting videos from any source. They sometimes just disappear.

    It is curious though, since this was an official SNL clip from NBC's site. Maybe they pulled it by mistake. You can check in at to see if it comes back.

  3. The C Span bailout has been pulled from all sites including NBC. Did it touch a nerve on someone?

  4. Me? With my little blog? Highly doubtful. I have no idea what's going on, but I've gotten a lot of hits on a video that won't even play, so I'm probably pissing the readers off more than NBC!


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