Image from source, The Daily Beast
This was touched on in the post below, but I thought it deserved its own post. Ever wonder where this silly "War on Christmas" came from? It's really not surprising, but I'll bet a lot of O'Reilly Factor FOX "News" fans aren't aware. I have to say though, it fits right in with their ideology.
Who Started the War on Christmas?
What would Christmas be without warnings of the secular crusade to destroy it? Thanks to the fulminations of cable news cranks and evangelical moralists, the War on Christmas has become an annual outrage. The story typically goes as follows: secular elements have intimidated stores into replacing the phrase “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays;” nativity scenes have been removed from public spaces under threat of ACLU lawsuits; a decadent culture is moving ever closer to eradicating Christian morality; and America slouches towards Gomorrah. . .
Read more at: The Daily Beast
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