Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Al Franken Widens Lead; Norm Coleman Still Won't Concede

Images from source, Politico

It is long past time for Democrats to start making a real issue out of Norm Coleman's refusal to concede to Al Franken in Minnesota. If the situation were reversed, the Republican noise machine would be at full volume, demanding that Franken concede. If you doubt that, you haven't been paying attention.


Franken Lawyer: Al Won; Coleman Legal Spokesman: We'll Appeal

At post-court press conference, lead Franken attorney Marc Elias commented that the election contest is essentially over, with Al Franken the winner after the court had 351 previously-rejected ballots counted, which boosted Franken's lead from 225 votes to 312.

"Today is a very important step, as we now know the outcome of the election contest," said Elias, "and that is the same outcome as the recount, which is that Al Franken has more votes than Norm Coleman. . ."

Read more at: Talking Points Memo

1 comment:

  1. Watching this race has been exhausting and great. It really shows that the power of small is alive and well in the democratic system. Every vote actually does count!


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