Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Brent Bozell, Right-Wing Crank, Hates Family Guy

Image from source, "News"Busters

I'm still playing a bit of catch-up after my trip. Here's a hysterical take on Family Guy by right-wing nutcase, Brent Bozell. And I mean "hysterical" in both senses of the word. There is no reasoning with Bozell, but it is worth pointing out that there is a parental advisory before each episode of Family Guy (and American Dad! for that matter). Oh, and while I don't find everything about the show the greatest thing ever on TV, it does have inspired moments, and picks on everything and everybody fairly equally. Oh, and Seth MacFarlane is a genius.


Bozell Column: Fox's 'Comedic Genius'

Our cosmopolitan elites have embraced the smutty Fox cartoon "Family Guy." A month ago, oh-so-sophisticated National Public Radio used their parody song "Everybody Poops" to report on Julius Genachowski, the incoming chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Perhaps it was NPR’s way of welcoming in an Obama appointee who everyone expects will "lighten up" at the FCC and let Hollywood go wild with its "poetic license. . ."

Read more (if you dare) at: "News"Busters


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