Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Did You Know Obama is the Devil?

There's a group of whack-a-doodles out there who believe that President Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, or worse, the devil himself. How this could be true is puzzling, since even a heathen like me knows that the anti-Christ does not rise until after the Rapture. Since we haven't seen millions of believers ascending bodily to heaven, leaving their clothes (and running cars, and airplanes) behind, I've got to assume the Rapture hasn't happened. Or that the rules were so strict, that so few Christians were raptured, we didn't even notice.

Rachel Maddow had an amusing segment on her show Monday, airing "proof" that Obama is eeevil. It entails playing Obama's speeches backward (like The Beatles' White Album), and deciphering the wicked subliminal messages within. Rachel even titled her usual "Rachel Re:" segment, "er lehcar." Cute! Because what else can we do but laugh at these people?

1 comment:


    Congratulations! You are now fulfilling the Bible which says "Come now, and let us repeat together."
    Be sure to repeat what Walvoord, Lindsey, LaHaye, Ice etc. repeat what their own teachers repeat what their own teachers repeat etc. etc. etc.!
    Repeat that Christ's return is imminent because we're told to "watch" (Matt. 24, 25) for it. So is the "day of God" (II Pet. 3:12) - which you admit is at least 1000 years ahead - also imminent because we're told to be "looking for" it?
    Also repeat the pretrib myths about the "Jewish wedding stages" and "Jewish feasts" (where's your "church/Israel dichotomy" now?) even though Christ and Paul knew nothing about a "pretrib stage" and neither did any official theological creed or organized church before 1830!
    You should read "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" on the "Powered by Christ Ministries" site to find out why you shouldn't repeat everything your pretrib teachers repeat.
    Do I have to repeat this?

    (Saw the above rapture eye-opener on the web. Some folks are really gullible, right? Lou)


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