Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Faux Outrage: Barack Obama's Iraq Visit Staged?

Image from Huffington Post

Why is there a picture of George W. Bush with an enormous turkey, if this is a story about Barack Obama? Because people have short memories. The current faux outrage du jour centers around President Obama's recent surprise visit to Iraq. Though the claim seems to be on shaky ground, it is worth remembering that the Bush Administration stage managed everything for eight years.

The picture I picked for this post shows one of the prime examples of that. Bush surprise visited Iraq on Thanksgiving one year, and this very dynamic image was used by most news sources that covered the story. But if you didn't already know, that turkey was fake. The soldiers obviously could not eat it. If I remember correctly (and I'm sure somebody will pipe up if I'm wrong) Bush didn't even eat Thanksgiving dinner with the soldiers. Were the right-wingers outraged by that?


OMG they're all the same camera! Except they're not.

Conservative bloggers, acting on a tip from an anonymous viral email (seriously), have been running with a story accusing President Obama of "staging" his raucous meetings with US troops in Iraq. According to the chain email, and the bloggers, the troops' overwhelming support for their commander-in-chief was faked. You see, the Obama people hand-picked troops who only voted for Obama, the story goes, and then they gave them all very expensive $200 and $300 cameras in order to "take photos" of Obama, in a brilliantly coordinated stunt worthy of Capricorn One. . .

Read more at: AmericaBlog

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