Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Right vs. Left: An Interesting Case

Image from source, Utne Reader

I found this article very interesting. And I can't say I disagree with its main assessments exactly. Though I think just about everybody would take issue with at least half of the headline excerpted of the piece. Conservatives aren't ignorant? Surely, some are. Liberals aren't un-American? While I'd say most aren't, many conservatives would be sputtering about that one.

The setup to this piece is pretty much that there are five basic moral points, and that liberals hold two of them dear, and conservatives hold to the other three. While the author thinks that successful politicians or policies would find a way to embrace all five, I'm much more cynical than that. Especially when it comes down to the spiritual-religious part. I want no part of that. No, I think if this guy's right, never the twain shall meet.


Liberals Aren’t Un-American. Conservatives Aren’t Ignorant.

Jonathan Haidt is hardly a road-rage kind of guy, but he does get irritated by self-righteous bumper stickers. The soft-spoken psychologist is acutely annoyed by certain smug slogans that adorn the cars of fellow liberals: “Support our troops—bring them home” and “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”

“No conservative reads those bumper stickers and thinks, ‘Hmm . . . so liberals are patriotic!’” he says, in a sarcastic tone of voice that jarringly contrasts with his usual subdued sincerity. . .

Read more at: Utne Reader

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