Thursday, January 6, 2011

Birther Interrupts Congressional Constitution Reading

I have no objection to the Constitution of the United States being read on the floor of Congress. Having it read as a political stunt is a little galling. And leaving out portions of it that are no longer copacetic kinda blew. And don't forget that prominent Republicans who were all for the reading left the chamber before it was finished. But the biggest blemish on this calculated photo op was the birther who interrupted the proceedings.

There's this thing about conspiracy theories. Whether you are sympathetic to portions of one, or used to be, or just in general think that people should question authority, I think we all can relate to one conspiracy theory or another. But their undoing is always the same: the crazy. There can be plausible things to question, facts that don't line up, irregularities in "the official story." But the crazy always envelops even the sensible stuff.

You know, it's possible that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy, and is somehow linked to the death of Marilyn Monroe. It's possible that the events of 9/11 did not go down exactly as we've been told. And it's possible that Mrs. Obama realized in 1961 that her half-black son might one day be president, so it was urgent that she fake his birth records in order to. . .no. . .sorry. That one is not possible. It's just crazy.

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