Monday, March 15, 2010

Karl Rove, FOX "News" and Why Do We Keep Pretending it's News?

I've lost count how many times I've declared that FOX "News" isn't news (hence the quotes). I've offered up evidence, anecdotal, transcriptual and uh, video. . .al. Everybody knows that FOX "News" is infused with a right-wing slant all day long. The only ones not admitting that are FOX themselves, and "FOX fans." Who are, it should be pointed out, nearly exclusively right-wingers.

Here, one of FOX's many arch right employees, Karl Rove, sort of admits it. But he once again tries to draw a line between FOX's opinion and "hard news" programming. It is a distinction without a difference, as anyone with a functioning brain can see, by merely sampling some of their daytime or weekend programming. Virtually all of these "hard news" programs feature the same right-wing terminology in the stories, the same story topics, and the same pundits in Q&A segments as their opinion shows. For all the crap FOX fans give MSNBC for featuring Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann in political news programming, they seem not to notice people like Karl Rove being right there in the mix for the same sorts of shows.

I could go on defense for MSNBC here, but it is not necessary. They are not declaring themselves "fair and balanced." FOX is. And it is just stupid that we have to keep dancing around this subject, keep acting as though FOX "News" is merely somewhat right-leaning. They're far further around the bend than that. And you know what? If the channel was called FOX News & Opinion, and their motto was "The Other Side of the News," or something like that, there would be no problem here. But they keep insisting on keeping the charade alive.


Karl Rove Confesses: Most Of Fox News Is Unfair

Today on Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw (sitting in for David Gregory) interviewed Fox News contributor Karl Rove. In the course of the discussion Rove spewed the routine misrepresentations and falsehoods that one one might expect of him. But there was one exchange that was surprisingly honest:

TOM BROKAW: You’re now at Fox News. Do you think that Fox News is fair to President Obama?

KARL ROVE: I think they - on the news side, absolutely. I think that they’ve got first-rate individuals at the White House who - do their job. And in an objective, fair, and balanced way, yeah, absolutely. . .

Read more at: News Corpse

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