Image from Washington Independent |
Okay, I think this will be my last post about the faux outrage story about Shirley Sherrod for a while, unless something really newsworthy and interesting happens. But I wanted another perspective on the asshattery that is Andrew Breitbart. In the early days of the blog, I used a few of his posts in excerpts, not realizing what a douche nozzle he is. I'm a one-man show for the most part, doing this as a hobby. I don't have the power to break a story, or
invent one like Breitbart does. Hell, I didn't even know the Netroots convention was here in my backyard until yesterday! So here is a more informed opinion of a guy who should be run out of business by this latest fabrication, but won't be.
Fooled Again by Breitbart and the Wingnut Right
There's nothing shocking or surprising about the latest Andrew Breitbart scam in which he released selectively-edited video of an African American USDA worker, Shirley Sherrod, and accused her of racism against a white farmer couple, the Spooners. That's not to suggest we shouldn't be vigorously talking about it. We absolutely should be. But the most outrageous aspects of the story are fairly typical of everyone involved: Breitbart, the so-called "liberal" news media, Democrats, Fox News Channel and all points in between. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
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