I am a big fan (as you can see in the posts below) of Randi Rhodes, and Air America Radio. I listen at work from my computer, as we don't receive the network in Las Vegas. Well, to be honest, I first listen to the Stephanie Miller Show (which is not part of AAR, more on her later) but then I switch over. This may be to the consternation of my fellow coworkers, but tough, they listen to Rush and Hannity in the shop, so why not?
Air America has had a rocky history, primarily with its management and funding, but the on-air talent has always been entertaining and informative. In fact, were it not for them, my political awakening may have occurred much more slowly. The first clue that Randi (and AAR) is not simply the "anti-Rush" is that she often tells listeners not to believe a word she says, nor those of anybody else on talk radio. She encourages people to check it all out for themselves, and offers sources to check, both on her show and on her website. She often gives "homework" to her listeners, so that they can go in more depth than she's able to do on the radio. Does Rush do that?
In addition to Randi, I really enjoy Rachel Maddow, who follows Randi in the lineup. Rachel has been steadily appearing more regularly on TV, notably on MSNBC (ironic, since she doesn't enjoy the "TV Machine"). Rachel is youthful, funny and smart. And a doctor (but not that kind of doctor)! You can learn more from her two-hour show than watching a week's worth of FOX "News." OK, that's faint praise, sorry Rachel! Where Randi can come off very grouchy (though I love that about her), Rachel is chipper and upbeat most all the time, and just snarky enough to let you know she's really peeved, but with a good attitude.
The only other host I really have any chance to sample is Thom Hartmann. Thom's show takes a little getting used to, especially if you were used to Al Franken (the previous host in this time slot). He's a bit dry, but he's feisty, and has a wealth of information in each show. Like Rachel, he manages to squeeze twice as much information into a program than should be possible. I sometimes wish I could stop working while his show is on, so I could pay attention!
I may revisit this topic, since this post feels a trifle lightweight. It's Sunday night, past my bedtime, and the brain isn't firing on all thrusters. But I wanted to give a shout-out to these guys, as they are doing a tremendous job, at a company that gets little respect, and has had more than its share of ups and downs. Don't believe it when you hear the network or the hosts maligned as nothing more than counter-balance to the right wing media machine. These guys aren't (a) deliberately deceptive (Limbaugh), (b) bullies (Hannity), (c) insane (Savage) or (d) megalomaniacal (O'Reilly). And they don't simultaneously pander to and have contempt for their audience (like all of the guys I just mentioned).
Give them a listen. Especially Randi.
Air America has had a rocky history, primarily with its management and funding, but the on-air talent has always been entertaining and informative. In fact, were it not for them, my political awakening may have occurred much more slowly. The first clue that Randi (and AAR) is not simply the "anti-Rush" is that she often tells listeners not to believe a word she says, nor those of anybody else on talk radio. She encourages people to check it all out for themselves, and offers sources to check, both on her show and on her website. She often gives "homework" to her listeners, so that they can go in more depth than she's able to do on the radio. Does Rush do that?
In addition to Randi, I really enjoy Rachel Maddow, who follows Randi in the lineup. Rachel has been steadily appearing more regularly on TV, notably on MSNBC (ironic, since she doesn't enjoy the "TV Machine"). Rachel is youthful, funny and smart. And a doctor (but not that kind of doctor)! You can learn more from her two-hour show than watching a week's worth of FOX "News." OK, that's faint praise, sorry Rachel! Where Randi can come off very grouchy (though I love that about her), Rachel is chipper and upbeat most all the time, and just snarky enough to let you know she's really peeved, but with a good attitude.
The only other host I really have any chance to sample is Thom Hartmann. Thom's show takes a little getting used to, especially if you were used to Al Franken (the previous host in this time slot). He's a bit dry, but he's feisty, and has a wealth of information in each show. Like Rachel, he manages to squeeze twice as much information into a program than should be possible. I sometimes wish I could stop working while his show is on, so I could pay attention!
I may revisit this topic, since this post feels a trifle lightweight. It's Sunday night, past my bedtime, and the brain isn't firing on all thrusters. But I wanted to give a shout-out to these guys, as they are doing a tremendous job, at a company that gets little respect, and has had more than its share of ups and downs. Don't believe it when you hear the network or the hosts maligned as nothing more than counter-balance to the right wing media machine. These guys aren't (a) deliberately deceptive (Limbaugh), (b) bullies (Hannity), (c) insane (Savage) or (d) megalomaniacal (O'Reilly). And they don't simultaneously pander to and have contempt for their audience (like all of the guys I just mentioned).
Give them a listen. Especially Randi.
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