Funny thing. Though I registered as a member of the Democratic (not Democrat) Party last year, I continue to receive mail and email from the good old RNC/GOP. In fact, I was so incensed by an email from them a few months ago, I actually sent them a nasty-gram to have myself removed from their list. Somebody didn't get the memo.
I received this in the mail this weekend. According to the cover letter, "You are among a select group of Republicans who have been chosen to take part in the official 2007 CENSUS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY." It goes on to say "But, because it is cost prohibitive for the Republican Party to print and mail an official REPUBLICAN PARTY CENSUS to each and every one of the 62,000,000 Republicans nationwide, your answers will represent the views and opinions of ALL Republican voters living in your voting district." Well, ain't I special?
The letter goes on to threaten and scare me, the Republican representative of my whole district, into voting GOP, lest "Democrats become the majority party in America for a generation or more. . ." I'm quaking in my boots.
The survey itself (which you can see in all its glory, if you click the above image) is a sight to behold. It could be "Exhibit A" in a trial about push polling. Here are some of the very leading questions on this "census," along with my comments:
- Should we stop the Democrats from cutting funding for our intelligence agencies or bringing back Clinton-era restrictions on inter-agency communications? Let's be honest, is any Democrat ACTUALLY proposing this? And slamming Clinton too, nice touch. Subtle.
- Do you support the use of air strikes against any country that offers safe harbor or aid to individuals or organizations committed to further attacks on America? Oh, by all means. You had me at "Do you support the use of air strikes against ANY COUNTRY!"
- Should we continue working to permanently repeal the Inheritance or "Death Tax?" Hey, if Frank Luntz named it, it HAS to be a great idea. And Paris is going to need some tax breaks after she gets outta the pokey.
- Should we make sure President Bush's judicial nominees receive fair hearings and up or down votes in the Senate even when Democrats threaten a filibuster? Christ, if I hear "up or down vote" one more time, I'm going to start bleeding from my eyes. Newsflash: if the Democrats threaten a filibuster, there ain't a doggone thing you can do about it. Nuclear option, my ass.
- Do you want us to defend the recently passed partial birth abortion ban from attacks by the Democrat majority? A blatant push poll question. Are ANY prominent Democrats doing this? ANYONE?
- Do you think Congress should pass the Federal Marriage Amendment? I knew they couldn't get through this thing without an anti-gay question. Harrumph.
There are more, but I won't punish you any further. They then ask for money, of course, because as we know the RNC is a shoestring operation. Donations range from $500 to $Other, so you can imagine what mine will be. Hilariously, if you are unable to donate, but wish to send in your "census," there is the following note:
- Yes, I support the RNC, but I am unable to participate at this time. However, I have enclosed $11 to cover the cost of tabulating my survey.
Or, you have this option:
- No, I favor electing liberal Democrats over the next ten years.
Thanks for making up my mind for me! I should note also, that the term "Democrat Party" is used, of course, in this "census." For those unaware, the name of the party is the Democratic Party. The term "Democrat Party" was focus tested by Republicans, and it was found that using the incorrect terminology resonates more negatively, and that using "Democratic" comes off sounding too positive. That, friends, is the RNC in a nutshell. Send out fear-mongering letters, with push-polling surveys--in other words mislead and scare your base. Because you don't trust them to come up with the correct conclusions on their own. Nice.
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