Friday, June 15, 2007

Blast from the Past: Karl Rove & Jeff Gannon

Here is another of my creations, from a couple of years ago. Picture it: Spring 2005, and revelations about a man-whore named Jeff Gannon were setting the blogs (but sadly not the mainstream media) on fire. Also, there were rumors that the man the Freepers called "Rove, you magnificent bastard!" was possibly--just maybe--gonna be implicated in the Plame affair. I didn't have an outlet yet for my political and artistic frustrations, but that didn't stop me from creating. So without further ado (and with apologies to and appreciation for John Waters), I bring you Pink Elephants!


  1. Polly want a cracker.

    Cracker want a Polly?

    It's so healthy....and it's snowing here where I live :)



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