Image is Public Domain from Wikipedia
I stumbled upon this graphic while I was in a "wiki-hole." That's where you go in looking for one little tidbit of information, and come out several hours later, having forgotten what your first search was for. It's quite a time-waster, but loads of fun. Anyhow, if the topic of Pangaea fascinates you like it does me, risk the wiki-hole, and click the link. I really had no idea there was so much to it.
Read More at: Pangaea at WikipediaEDITOR'S NOTE:
I'll take this opportunity to let acknowledge that while I link often to Wikipedia, I am aware that it is not a perfect source. Wikipedia is sort of a community encyclopedia, with ordinary Joes contributing. While the site is moderated, and constantly revised and updated, it is also frequently hacked. It is therefore often slammed when used as a source. To that I say,
fine. Use it as a jumping off point. You have the whole Internet at your disposal. If you don't think you can trust what's at Wiki, do your homework.
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