Saturday, May 17, 2008

Featured Blog: Things Younger than McCain

Image from source, Things Younger Than McCain

Recently, when posting a video about things that are younger than John McCain, I pondered the issue of ageism, and whether making an issue of his age should be considered in bad taste. This entertaining site pondered that issue too (naturally), and has a fairly decent answer for it.

Oh yeah, and it's funny. And that probably is in bad taste, but oh well. . .



I’ve received a bunch of emails - and read a number of posts in the comments section - that questioned whether or not this blog is ageist. It’s a fair question and I wanted to take a minute to offer my answer.

It isn’t. Here’s why:

Before the blog launched, I thought long and hard to see if I could come up with reasons how gender or race could negatively impact on someone’s ability to do an effective job as President… and I couldn’t come up with a single one. But I was able to come up with reasons why age - at least, potentially - could be a factor. . .

Read why, and then get to the funny at: Things Younger Than McCain

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