Photo credit to ABC
ABC, CNN, CBS & other news sources are reporting that Obama has received the endorsement of John Edwards. It was announced today at a press conference in Michigan. And if you listen to the grapevine... that is a biggie. One more fork in Hillary, if there is space for one more.
"The reason I am here tonight is because the Democratic voters in America have made their choice and so have I there is one man who knows and understands this is a time for bold leadership knows how to make the lasting change from the ground up that it is time to create one America and that man is Barack Obama." ~John Edwards
That may have been the last wad of chewing gum that was holding the dam waters back. Monkey see, monkey do... at least I sure hope so. Let's get this god dammed game going for monkey's sake!
Read more at The Michigan Messenger
Todd and I saw this on the news when you were boarding the plane. We were DYING to tell you!