Friday, October 10, 2008

John McCain Defends Barack Obama from Angry Mob

In the last two weeks, John McCain, Sarah Palin, and their campaign have whipped their base into a frenzy. They've been aided and abetted by Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and a host of other right-wing blowholes. Their demonizations of Obama often do not make sense, or are contradictory. But their base doesn't do a lot of thinking for themselves. They let these bloviators stir up their emotions, until they boil over.

So, irony of ironies, John McCain is now forced to defend Obama against the very mob he's drummed up.

UPDATE: I couldn't resist giving you a little taste from right-wing world on this story. This comment, directed at John McCain about Barack Obama is from Free Republic:

"Wrong John, he is against everything American. Against everything good people stand for and believe in. He and his wife are no less than the END of America as we know it if they are allowed to ascend to power. Take a stand and stop this John !!!! You have the power to change minds if you speak the truth and take them to task for their ignorance - and that of the American populace."

These guys are total nutjobs.

Source: Free Republic

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most politically surreal pieces of video I've ever seen. Thank goodness McCain has finally said something to quell the fire he and his campaign have started. This is a chilling reminder of the type of people who exist in this country and a warning that we haven't seen the last of them.


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