Image from Basement Apartment
Well, the fate of same-sex marriages already performed in California (including my own) will continue to be valid at least until March 2009. And while no more same-sex couples may be married until then, if the California Supreme Court rejects Proposition 8 at that time (which may be a long-shot, but I'm hoping for it), they'll become legal again.
And here's just a note to those of you who are turned off by all of the anti-Prop. 8 rallies. This kind of commentary--culled from today's FreeRepublic web site--is what we're up against. And they are why we feel it is necessary to come out in force. When attitudes like this are expressed freely, with no shame or fear of reprisal, the comparison between other civil rights battles and the one for gay rights becomes more clear:
"So are the filthy disease ridden queers still going to have hissy fits every day because they can’t have a wedding?"
"Yes, the homo (haters) will not stop until the “normals” are as upset & angry & as hateful as they are...."
"We have been quiet for too long. The only reason those queers are yelling like that is because no one stands up to them. Remember they are in fact QUEERS! They are sissies. Stand up to them, and they will back down in a heartbeat. All you need a group of men, real men and they will know they are done for."
Nice, right? Source: FreeRepublic
Prop. 8 gay marriage ban goes to Supreme Court
The California Supreme Court agreed today to review legal challenges to Prop. 8, the voter initiative that restored a ban on same-sex marriage, but refused to permit gay weddings to resume pending a ruling.
Meeting in closed session, the state high court asked litigants on both sides for more written arguments and said a hearing on the cases could come as early as March. The court also signaled its intention to decide the fate of existing same-sex marriages, asking litigants to argue that question. . .
Read more at: Los Angeles Times
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