Photo from source, New York Times
A lot of the toys of my childhood wouldn't hold the attention of today's children for more than a few seconds. Lincoln Logs. Tinker Toys. Erector Sets. Girders and Panels. We had hours of fun with all of those things back in the 70s. Today's kids would say, "meh."
Slinky was one of those things, I'm afraid. We all had them. But how many "hours of fun" were actually had with them? And how many days did they last until they were hopelessly tangled into Slinky knots? Still, the toy and the jingle will remain in our memories until we are sitting in retirement homes, wondering where all the time went.
Mrs. Slinky passed away, and I think we should all mark the passing with fond remembrances. Or at least a tumble down the stairs.
Betty James, Who Named the Slinky Toy, Is Dead at 90
Betty James, who came up with the name Slinky for the stair-walking spring that has delighted children for more than 60 years and who ran the toy company after her husband, the inventor, left it and his family in 1960, died Thursday in Philadelphia. She was 90 and lived in Hollidaysburg, Pa., where the company, James Industries, is located. . .
Betty James, who came up with the name Slinky for the stair-walking spring that has delighted children for more than 60 years and who ran the toy company after her husband, the inventor, left it and his family in 1960, died Thursday in Philadelphia. She was 90 and lived in Hollidaysburg, Pa., where the company, James Industries, is located. . .
Read more at: New York Times
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