Monday, June 21, 2010

Are Liberals Falling Out of Love with Obama?

I have a problem with the premise of the headline, and used it only because it is the title of the article below.  See, the fabled "love" of Obama by liberals in general, or prominent pundits like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, has always been oversold.  The verbiage used, "The One," "The Annointed," and the like, is almost exclusively used by conservatives, not liberals.  Are there Democrats who fawn and faint over Obama? Oh, I'm sure there are some, but I doubt it goes anywhere as deep as the conservative base who still thinks George W. Bush did a heckuva job.

So, are liberals in general now holding a lower opinion of President Obama than they did during the election? Of course they are, why wouldn't they? That happens in almost every election. There's a big difference between a candidate and an elected official.  But is in happening just now? Not really. I've posted quite a few posts that were critical. Olbermann and Maddow have done the same--even more so--many, many times. This is not new.  But it is different.  You saw much less open dissatisfaction with Bush/Cheney from conservatives (or FOX "News" and talk radio), until wayyyyyy later than 1-1/2 years. That's for sure.


Are liberals falling out of love with Obama?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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In the wake of President Barack Obama's Oval Office address to the country last Tuesday, a narrative has been on the march: liberals, the people who served as the electoral backbone for his candidacy in 2008, have fallen out of love with the chief executive.
Jon Stewart took on the topic on his "Daily Show" -- detailing a series of campaign commitments from Obama on topics ranging from the closure of Guantanamo Bay to his attitude toward executive power and the comparing the actual policies' similarities to those policies put in place by former President George W. Bush. "What happened to Barry from the block," asked Stewart. . .

Read more at: The Fix

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