Thursday, June 24, 2010

FOX "News" Babe Thinks Her Job is Just Like President Obama's

Image from source, Raw Story
Something maybe even I should remember when being knee-jerk critical of a President is just how hard his job is. I might have hard days at work, but I don't have a particularly difficult job. And if I spell something wrong on a sign or miss a deadline, it might suck for me or my company but it is not a national crisis.

Now, I suppose being a news anchor (or even a "news" anchor babe) has its difficulties. A major faux-pas could lead to an unflattering nation-wide story.  Things said or done on your program could affect national politics in extreme cases. But this is FOX "News" we're talking about.  Every single day there is something going on there that is embarrassing and/or stupid.  Very little one spokesmodel could say or do would make very much of an impact. So, how hard could it be?  If you're Gretchen Carlson (anchorette of the awkwardly named FOX & Friends), it's just as hard as being President!


Fox host: Being president is ‘just like’ my job

Could a Fox News host who has admitted she had to Google terms like "czar" and "ignoramus" actually be qualified to be President of the United States? Fox News' Gretchen Carlson suggested Wednesday that the President's job was "just like" her job as a co-host of Fox & Friends. . .

Read more at: Raw Story

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