Wednesday, June 16, 2010

UPDATED: "President" Rachel Maddow's BP Oil Disaster Address

From the fake Oval Office comes the address President Obama should have given last night, delivered by fake President Rachel Maddow, as promised in my write-up on the piece. It's amazing. As Obama could have been last night.

UPDATE: Upon reading reviews of Rachel's speech, I've been kind of stunned by the response. And I'm just talking about the left-wing response. There seems to be a contingent like me, who totally dug it.  We don't necessarily think it's realistic that the real President give that exact speech, only that we wish the real speech had been closer to Rachel's than to the one that was actually delivered. 

But about half of the left-wing response I've seen has been strongly negative. They paint her as an egotist, or a Monday morning quarterback.  Some even say that they won't watch Rachel again. What? I'll admit when she teased the speech earlier in her show, I thought it sounded silly, like a Glenn Beck stunt.  But what she actually delivered wowed me. I'm still sort of flabbergasted that liberal watchers--particularly if they were already Maddow fans--had such a diametrically opposite view of it than I did. If you feel strongly one way or the other, please leave me a comment.

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