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The only flattering image of Sharron Angle in existence from source, Think Progress |
Sharron Angle’s energy plan: Deregulate the ‘mining industry,’ as well as the ‘oil and petroleum industry.’
On May 26, a few weeks after BP’s oil disaster began, U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle (R-NV) told a local media outlet that her solution to America’s energy policy would be to “deregulate” the oil industry. While both conservatives and liberals agree that this catastrophe could have been prevented if BP had invested more in safety and if regulators had been more attentive, few, if any, have taken the extreme view at there is actually too much regulation on the oil industry. However, last Wednesday, while appearing on the hate-filled website ResistNet’s Internet radio station, Angle reiterated her position and explained that if elected, she would ensure that “government isn’t over-regulating” the “oil and petroleum industry,” as well as the “mining industry.” Angle appeared to attack her opponent, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), for supporting the Mining in the Parks Act, a law that prohibits mining in National Parks. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
EDITOR'S NOTE: Is my caption to the photo mean-spirited? Perhaps. But as a fellow unphotogenic human, I feel I have some wiggle room. For a person who sees a normal person in the mirror, and a Lord of the Rings character in photos, I can sympathize with Angle's plight. As one who has searched the Googles for pictures of her for previous posts, I've found almost exclusively scary/crazy pictures of Ms. Angle. Not that I'm complaining.
What is most unsurprising about Sharron Angle is her fundimental disconnect with reality and her uncanny ability to rationalize her own hypocracy. She plays fast and loose with the seperation between churh and state as most people do. Even I agree that many people are reading into it more than what the framers true intent. I don't think it should be used as a tool to keep Nativity scenes out of public parks, or to mandate the use of Happy Holidays in lieu of Merry Christmas. It simply restricts the government from forcing folks to go to churh on sunday if they don't want to or recognizing one religion over another. But when asked about banning abortion even in the case of rape or incest, Angle was clear that she stands behind her position on no abortion for any reason whatsoever. She was asked "So if some 13 year old girl is raped by her father, you'd force that little girl to have that baby." Without any hesitation, Angle said "I'm a christian, and I believe that God interceeds in everyones life for many reasons and people just need to have a little faith."
ReplyDeleteAngle is completely unable or unwilling to recognize that forcing this girl to have the baby because Angle believes that it's gods will would be forcing that little girl to subscribe to Angle's religious beliefs, its a textbook example of how federal laws can violate the spirit of seperation.
It's like when you're testifying in court. You can swear to tell the truth so help you God. Or you can swear to tell the truth under panalty of perjury.
I take a harder line than you when it comes to religion and government intermingling. I don't think government buildings and property should have religious iconography or mottos. I don't like "god" in the Pledge of Allegience or on the money. To me, it's like saying "in Superman we trust."
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I'm think that militant atheists who attack these things--even though fundamentally I agree with them--just stir up the far-right, and cause more harm than good. And then the politicians and judges just use pretzel logic to allow these things to stand anyway, codifying them into law. It's lose-lose.
Oh, and Sharron Angle is a nut, and I will not be praying, but I'll be HOPING that she does not win.