Well, it's been a lazy weekend for me, on the blog at least. Real life has been a bit more active. So, I figured I'd put something up for Sunday morning. But I don't really know what's going on yet, I just got up! I did find out that Meet the Press with David Gregory isn't on this morning. No big loss. I'm suffering through FOX "News" Sunday as it airs, so I can't zip through the squicky parts with the DVR remote.
FNS is nominally a political news show, but usually the politics far overtakes the news, and with no sort of balance. Living up to its parent network's reputation, host Chris Wallace does his level best to chose subjects, story lines, guests and the wording of his questions to tear down the left and pump up the right. Not much has changed. As I watch this, Wallace is pumping up Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.), while tearing down the Obama Administration. Typical.
Now, I'm watching Haley Barbour, who is still sounding like the mayor of Amity Island in Jaws. There's no awl here, jus' tar bawls. And they're natchrul. Bring the kiddies down to the beach! The tar jus' makes them sand castles hold t'gether!
I hate to make fun of a person's accent, but Barbour's sounds particularly moronic. Did you hear him last week, when he said there wasn't enough oil on Mississippi's beaches to fill up a "milk juuuuuug?" The GOP putting Barbour on a national or global stage mystifies me.
FNS allots half its time every week for its ludicrously named "Power Panel," their collection of far-right and very moderate pundits to present "balance." The first topic--naturally--how the oil spill is all President Obama's fault. Interwoven with that is FOX "News"'s favorite topic: the fact that two potential Democratic candidates (Sestak and Romanoff) for office may have been offered administration positions in order not to run, because the White House had favored candidates for the offices those guys were running for. Did you nod off during that explanation? Well FOX is pushing this like the President got a blow job or something. Snooze. Sorry folks, this hour was a waste of my time, and probably wasn't too fun to read about either!
I'll try to come up with something more entertaining for the rest of the day!
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