Monday, July 26, 2010

Tea Baggers Aren't the Only Ones With Offensive Signs

Image from source, Courage Campaign
When the NAACP sent out its tepid denunciation of the Tea Partiers' seeming condoning of racism in its ranks, it set off a firestorm that played out most notably in the Shirley Sherrod story.  FOX "News", Andrew Breitbart and others have tried to deny that racism exists among tea baggers by claiming reverse racism in the NAACP. In right-wing world, this logic flies, somehow.  But having followed the tea bagging phenomenon since it started, it doesn't convince me.  Not all the signs and ranting at the rallies is overtly racist, but some of it is. And that's all the NAACP was saying.  But it isn't only tea baggers waving highly inappropriate signs.

I've been following the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)'s "One Man, One Woman" bus tour, and mostly I've been amused.  At town after town, the tour has barely managed to scrape together enough fans to outnumber their own staff. And at almost every stop, counter-protesters have outnumbered, out organized and just outdone NOM.  Up til now, the only real noise that NOM has been able to generate is to whine about the counter-protesters, and over-inflating whatever "threat" they may pose.

I think that most of NOM's message, and most of their followers' signs are offensive in principle. But for someone familiar with the Rev. Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church, my offense meter isn't very sensitive. That said, this particular sign is particularly disgusting. Maybe ol' Fred might have himself a convert.


NOM supporter’s “solution to gay marriage”: Lynching gay couples

The National Organization for Marriage’s “One Man, One Woman” bus tour hit Indianapolis today and the LGBT community came out to greet them.

Since we’re hospitable Hoosiers, of course, our welcome wagon outnumbered the small dog and pony show put on by NOM and local religious right groups.

Over 250 LGBT and allied folks protested the rally, but only 40 fundies showed up. At least 10 of the anti-marriage equality crowd were NOM staff or local speakers; the rest of the group were older Caucasians and skewed slightly female. . .

Read more (with video) at: Courage Campaign


  1. In reality, minorities are the biggest group against gay marriage. When California had their Prop 8 vote, people complained about the Mormons and thier influence on the election. But the polling numbers showed that blacks, hispanics and asians all opposed the Prop. Whites supported the Prop and there was bitching against the Mormons, but I didn't hear any complaining about the blacks, hispanics and asians. Wonder why?

  2. Well, you'd be a bit wrong about that. There was a heated blog war between blacks and gays (even between GAY blacks ond other gays) after the election. Statistically, a majority of black people voted for Prop 8. But the REAL division is between old and young, regardless of race.

    The reason that Mormons (and Catholics) get so much heat is that they used their massive religious organizations (tax exempt) to pump millions of dollars and countless man hours to change LAW. They funneled a lot of time, energy and cash across state lines into California. And they didn't mind lying to win. As half of one of those 18,000 married couples from 2008, I'm allowed to let that piss me off.


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