Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tea Party Topples Top Teabagger

This whole tea party thing is getting confusing. Sunday morning on Face the Nation, there was a black guy, David Webb, speaking for the movement. . .when did that happen? He was speaking for the Tea Party Federation. How that ties to the Tea Party Express, the Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Nation, the Tea Party Party, (and I'm sure I'm leaving some out) I have no idea. But since the movement's message is so diffuse and vague, I guess it makes a sort of sense.

There seems to be a genuine effort afoot to start some sort of race war though, with FOX "News" and right-wing talk radio leading the charge.  All of the squawking about "the New Black Panther Party"--by all accounts a minuscule movement--that occurred two years ago is part of it. The extreme overreaction to a rather tepid pronouncement by the NAACP about tacit acceptance of racism in the tea parties is another.  It's going to get worse--and stupider--before it gets better.


Tea Party Federation Expels Mark Williams Over 'Offensive' Response To NAACP's Racism Charge

The National Tea Party Federation has expelled conservative commentator and Tea Party Express spokesman Mark Williams over a fictional letter Williams wrote on his blog last week from "Colored People" to Abraham Lincoln.

"We, in the last 24 hours, have expelled Tea Party Express and Mark Williams from the National Tea Party Federation because of the letter that he wrote," federation spokesman David Webb said Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation. . ."

Read more at: Huffington Post


  1. "Sunday morning on Face the Nation, there was a black guy, David Webb, speaking for the movement. . .when did that happen?" Umm, it happened a long time ago. It's a very big myth that the Tea Party is just a bunch of racist white people. In fact, the NAACP has been shown to be a fraud when they say the Tea party is full of racists. But then the NAACP do know racism when they see it as many of their leaders are racists.

  2. No, Dan. The "black guy" portion surprised me, but the existance of "Tea Party Federation" a group that speaks for all factions of the tea parties surprised me too. Never heard of him or it. And I checked out some FreeRepublic on the subject too. Many of them never heard of him/them either.

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