Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Muslim Cab Driver Stabbed & Cut, Probable Hate Crime

Okay, this anti-Muslim crap is getting out of hand. I'm agnostic, practically anti-religion (any religion), and even I can see this is getting nuts.  Maybe this dude is just bonkers, but it sounds like more than that. And I'm particularly squicked out that this guy looks so ordinary, so eerily like. . .well, me. The way he's dressed, the way he looks. Very me. And very weird.


  1. Sounds like the thug may be a liberal.
    I am not a believer in hate crimes- a crime is a crime, no matter who it is against or who is doing it.
    The thug should rot in prison for what he did. He killed a man just doing his job.

  2. I don't care what his politics are, he's clearly bonkers. As for hate crimes, I understand your point, but there are a couple of persuasive arguments for them.

    For one, hate crimes (and this includes those committed against religious people, gay people, any identifiable group covered by them) are not solely perpetrated against the victim. There a form of terrorism. If you go out swinging baseball bats at gay people, you're not just attacking those you hit, you're terrorizing the whole gay community.

    Another reason for them--and again I'll use the gay example--is that crimes committed against gay people very often get "wrist slap" convictions. Google "the twinkie defense" if you don't believe me. Elevating a crime against an identifiable group (kinda like having degrees of murder/manslaughter/larceny/whatever) makes it harder for judges and juries to dole out light treatment for said crimes.


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