Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blast from the Past: Bath Time in the 70s!

I was brainstorming, trying to figure out what to post for this week's Blast from the Past, and I thought, most people are going to see this on Monday morning, right? And what does everybody do first thing Monday morning? Hop in the tub, that's what! And if you don't, maybe you should watch #8.

1. Shower to Shower - A sprinkle a day helps keep odor away! Odor seems to have been a problem in the 70s.
2. Head & Shoulders - Poor Penny Marshall, rooming with Farrah Fawcett? Laverne & Farrah!
3. Gilette Trac II - I can't help but notice that shaving ads have gotten a lot sexier since the 70s. . .
4. Mr. Bubble - Do kids still take bubble baths?
5. Irish Spring - A manly scent. And was I complaining about a lack of the sexy? My, my, my. . .
6. Nair Baby Oil - Baby goils? Really?
7. Prell Shampoo - The husband in this ad seems potentially abusive.
8. Dial Soap - Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did? Oh, and the sexy makes a bit of a show in this one too. But they still liked to stick in a schlub or two!


  1. In #2, you mean Penny Marshall, not Williams. Her Laverne & Shirley co-star was Cindy Williams.

  2. Thanks, Jill! Of course I knew that. . . "Laverne & Shirley" is one of my all-time favorite shows. I must've been drunk when I wrote that! It's fixed now.


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