Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sarah Palin: "Worst Governor Ever!"

Well, duh.  Also.


  1. I watched the entire thing and I didn't think anything basd happened in there. It's clear that many teachers are liberal and this lady was just talking nonsense.
    Worst governor ever? I think Gibbons just sighed a little bit in relief.
    And she is not not governor any more.

  2. Ha, Dan. She WAS the worst governor ever but, she QUIT! This lady had the guts to stand next to her sign, stand her ground while cameras were in her face, a little intimidating. So, no she communicate a point very well but, I'd like to see you do better. Why did Palin quit anyway? More time at home? Because the media was to "in her business" so she joined them? Job of Governor to stressful or inadequate for her? As for teachers being liberal, well, I grew up in central Ohio and I can tell you first hand that you are dead wrong on that one.


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