Saturday, December 22, 2007

Movie Review/Blast From the Past: Clue

There was an odd bit of synchronicity in the household this evening. Apparently, The Other Half and The Roommate were talking about the movie Clue recently (without my knowledge). Tonight, they were lamenting that we didn't own it, and that they really wanted to watch it. I told The Other Half to turn around while I opened my Christmas closet, and pulled out. . .Clue!

I found it in the Wal-Mart $5 bin only two hours earlier, believe it or not. Bizarre. Anyway, Clue is one of my guilty pleasures. Surely not a classic, maybe not even a "good movie," it is still chock full of pop-culture goodness. It stars Tim Curry, Leslie Ann Warren, Martin Mull, Colleen Camp, Michael McKean, Eileen Brennan, Howard Hessman, Christopher Lloyd and the immortal Madeline Kahn. Such star power couldn't be all bad, right?

The movie was a madcap screwball comedy/mystery, based on (of course) the classic board game of the same name. The movie had three different endings, originally airing separately depending upon what theater you were in. Now on DVD, it includes all three endings.

As I said before, the movie is not terrific exactly, it's just that the individual performances--performed by these showbiz veterans--are each greater than the sums of their parts. Facial expressions, comic timing, and improvisation are on display in abundance. And to the film's credit, it recreates the elements of the board game quite well. Recommended.

One more after the jump. . .


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