Wow. I'm still here. My goals for the blog keep shifting. At first, I wasn't sure it was going anywhere. Then, my goals were six months, a year. 1,000 posts. And here I am, more than 2-1/2 years in, creeping up on 6,000 posts. I get bummed sometimes that I've never really "broken through," but then again, I'd probably get stage fright if I did.
The world is a vastly different place from where it was when I started this blog. It began out of frustration with the Bush administration and the dominance of FOX "News." Today, Bush is a (bad) memory, and the Obama era is--though still pretty fresh--in full swing. I'm not as impressed with it as I'd hoped, but really, could anybody fix the mess we were in quickly?
I've still not lit upon the "destination feature" I've been hoping for. I'd like to come up with a great idea that people look forward to on a schedule, like Democratic Underground's Top 10 Conservative Idiots. Maybe in 2010 I'll find that idea. In the mean time, I'll keep plugging along, though I probably won't swing into full blog force for a couple more days. Still enjoying my holiday vacation.
So thanks for reading, and as always, bring your friends!
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