Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogiversary: 20 Months!

Here I am again, another month blogging in the bag. It's been an odd month for me, with reduced time for posting, reduced readers, and--frankly--a reduced urgency in my need to vent. But the blog still remains my most significant hobby, and I'm still enjoying writing it.

I still haven't hit upon that "big idea" to drive traffic here. Which is just the same, because I might just get stage fright. So, there are days that this all seems like folly, with below 100 (sometimes below 5o) readers on any given day. And then, I will get a letter or a comment that spurs me on.

Let's face it, even if Barack Obama proves to be the change agent he promised, and if the country turns around, and everyone is a shiny happy person, there will be something to rant about. I'm a cynic after all, and can find the dark cloud in any silver lining!

So, thanks for dropping by. Check out the archives, there are lots of fun (yes fun) things in there. And bring your friends!

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