Friday, May 7, 2010

Moment of EEK! Rachel Maddow Explains What Happened on Wall Street

In what must be lesson #507 of "why I love The Rachel Maddow Show", here is a unique perspective on the scary, nearly 1000-point drop on Wall Street yesterday. I didn't see anyone else put it quite like this. Sotheby's stock at $100,000 per share? Sam Adams beer company at $0? It's stuff like this that keeps me tuning in.

But, man, wouldn't you be ticked if you bought 10,000 shares of P&G at the bottom, and had your stock buy get rescinded?


  1. Sotheby's stock is worth 100,000 for a split second. You're rated second in a google search of Sotheby's in the last 24 hours and I'm the only comment. Wow-Everybody must be really concerned about Lindsay Lohan's new movie part

  2. Yeah, a split second, but what if you had some pie-in-the-sky "sell" automated in TDAmeritrade? I suspect lots of people made or lost a little money in that time frame for that very reason.

    Having experienced a glitch in automatic trading (a minor one), I know that it's a pain to fix. What is most alarming is that we could possibly be so close to the edge that one glitch could cause such dramatic occurances.

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and for mentionint the Google hits. That's cool!

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