Sunday, July 4, 2010

Airplane Turns 30!

Egad, I'm old. How can one of my favorite movies, one of the funniest movies of all time, be thirty years old? It just can't be. Surely you can't be serious ("I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.")   But have you seen Julie Haggarty or Robert Hayes lately? They've held up pretty well, but are clearly evidence of the passage of time. Leslie Nielsen is eighty-four! 

But Airplane! remains a high-water mark for comedy, and acts as a litmus test for other people's appreciation of humor. If they love the movie, they "get it." If they say, "this is stupid," they quite simply have an under-developed sense of humor.  I may watch it again tomorrow.


'Airplane!' 30th Anniversary: Pick Your Favorite Quote!

It's the 30th anniversary of the comedy classic "Airplane!". So why not spend the holiday weekend celebrating the quotable lines that influenced generations of comedies and filmmakers. We admit it -- there are plenty of great lines that didn't make the cut. But the overabundance of amazing lines actually overloaded my brain and knocked me out. Hell, when I came to, I thought I was Ethel Merman. . .

Source: Huffington Post

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