Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Visit Sharron Angle's Underground Bunker!

Nevada's Sharron Angle doesn't want you to know what she's really all about. Neither does the RNC, or other Republican groups currently spearheading her newly sanitized candidacy.  But her opponent for U.S. Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid does what you to know just how nutty Angle is, and he's doing it with a sense of humor. Harry isn't my favorite politician, and he's prone to gaffes sometimes.  But I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over this character. Give 'em Hell, Harry!

Go there! Sharron Angle's Underground Bunker


  1. Nice blog, James, though I disagree with you on some things. But it looks like you treat people with respect. I look forward to reading your blog daily.

  2. Hee, hee, REALLY? Well, I try not to get TOO rude, but I am a fan of snark. And I guess calling Sharron Angle "nutty" isn't so much disrespectful as it is. . .um. . .accurate. Thanks for reading, I'll try to keep in mind that not everybody reading agrees with me.

  3. No, calling conservatives names isn't nutty. It's how you treat visitors.
    I'm not exactly kind to the Reids.


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