Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lest We Forget: Bush and the Saudi King, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

On the conservative internet outpost, you find all manner of ridiculous things. You'll find overt racism, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, hypocrisy, dumbassery, douchebaggery, you name it.  You'll also find countless examples of attempted conservative "humor." It's in quotes, because it misses the mark far more frequently than it hits it. The strange thing is, they'll repeat the same jokes and visual puns endlessly, and squeal with laughter as if it was the very first time.

A typical Free Republic "Obama is Gay"
image, from
One of their favorite targets is President Barack Obama, with the gay running a very close second.  And if they can combine the two?  Well, then they've hit conservative humor nirvana. They especially like finding freeze-frames of the President in poses that they deem gay. Because, don't you know, a bent wrist or knee is the hallmark of all flaming queens.  See what I mean about retread humor? 

Now, imagine you're the President. You've got cameras on you all day long, every day. Don't you think you could freeze-frame anybody in just about any pose if you really tried? Sure you could. Try randomly freeze-framing Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity sometime. The results can be hilarious.  Okay, moderately amusing, but hilarious on the FReeper scale.  And we liberals do it too. How many unflattering shots of Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle and George W. Bush himself have we used on our dirty little liberal blogs?  Guilty!

Image from Wonkette
But they've never gotten a picture of President Obama holding hands with another dude, as far as I know. Or kissing a man on the lips.  I'll be happy to recant if I'm wrong. But this photo set pees all over their silly "Obama's a fairy" pictures.

If you want to really blow your mind, take a trip over to FreeRepublic's repository of Obama "humor." You'll see I'm not just pulling your leg, though the gay stuff isn't as prevalent as the WTF stuff on this particular page.

Image from Wonkette

1 comment:

  1. Personally, the best was when Bush puked in the lap of the Japanese prime minister or whoever it was.
    This is why I could never be a celebrity or politician, I enjoy my privacy. However, it is a choice Obama made and he needs to expect to photographed at every moment. I don't feel sorry for him. Same with an actor or actress- they should have chosen a different career if they didn't want the attention.


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