Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Proposition 8 Overturned, Right Winger's Heads Explode

Whenever something doesn't go the way right-wing world wants, I find it instructive to turn to Free Republic, the far-right tea baggin' outpost.  There, you will find an alternate reality that is at once predictable, endlessly amusing, sometimes cringe-inducing, and absolutely fact-free.  FReepers are pure id, saying anything and everything that enters their brains.  If you go there, you will quickly see that the place is intended for mostly white, largely male, almost entirely Christian (at least nominally), hard core conservatives (as it is currently defined).  You'd think, by their words, that they don't believe any black or gay or atheist people are reading their words. And if they think those people are reading, they most certainly don't care.

How else can you explain their willingness to use language virtually no one would use in public?  This is one of those issues where the right has little leg to stand on. Justice Walker's verdict lays that out pretty plainly (read it, if you don't believe me).  But they don't care. Much like the Yes on 8 folks, they don't need facts and figures. They're right, and that should be self evident, dammit!  See if any of these choice quotes from Wednesday's froth-fest convince you that they are right. . . [My responses in brackets.]

"Was there any question how this poofer judge would rule?"

[Editor: I think you mean "poofter," genius.]

"Dirty little f*ggot!"

[Ed.: Temper!]

"The PEOPLE of CA voted against homo marriage TWICE."

[Ed.: And the judge said they had no Constitutional right to do that. Asshole.]

"It is going to be messy and bloody. "

[Ed.: This type of comment pervades FR in numerous topics.]

"We’re on the way...just like the fall of Rome..."

[Ed.: Yep, exactly the same as Rome. Where is my wine steward, anyway?]

"Evil had truly descended upon our country. As much as I hoped America might hang on until 2012, things like this prove the cancer is terminal. I used the dread the thoughts of another CW, but now it looks like our only salvation."

[Ed.: More talk of bloodshed. Over weddings. These people are truly idiots.]

"Well we can expect the ground to start shaking out there pretty soon..."

[Ed.: Yes, because earthquakes never happen in California unless God's gone a-smitin'.]

"The law already applies to gays equally, they can get married to a member of the opposite sex, just like the rest of us."

[Ed.: Perfectly logical. That's like saying, "why, you can be any religion you want, as long as it's Christian!" Idiot.]

"This forces taxpayers to pay for benefits for gay "couples" as if they were "traditional" couples."

[Ed.: Two uses of "scare quotes" in one sentence?  Oh, and gays pay taxes too. Jeez, they're stupid.]

"There is only one way to solve the homosexual problem. (Leviticus 20:13: If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death ; their blood shall be upon them. )"

[Ed.: I think you should have put "problem" in scare quotes. And you can take your Biblical call for violence and murder and shove them up your ass.]

"Do we dioscriminate [sic] against those who want more than one wife? How about a donkey."

[Ed.: Hey, if polygamists want to legally marry, let them fight their own fight. As for barnyard animals, I think you might want to keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Also, you'd have to prove your donkey had the ability to consent, and enter into a contract.]

It goes on and on like that. One odd thing, is there seems to be a small thread of reason popping up here and there, probably from Ted Olsen fans.  No worries, though. They'll be "zotted," and sent to the timeout bench.

Read more (if you can stomach it) at:

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