Monday, December 29, 2008

Bush Era Political Sex Scandals

Image of everyone's favorite man 'ho, from source, Democratic Underground

One of my favorite types of political stories to cover is the omnipresent sex scandal. Now, as far as we know--outside of some Condi rumors, and the unknown customer(s) of Jeff Gannon--George W. Bush hasn't had any sex scandals in his administration, at least not directly. But while Democrats have scandals of their own, no one does it like the GOP.

There are a couple of reasons for this. Democrats, by and large, are not as pious or as squeamish about sex. A gay Democrat--for example--is likely just that, a gay Democrat. And if he's closeted, and then "outed," nobody cares too much. But Republicans, who wrap themselves in the flag and the Shroud of Turin (figuratively, of course), invite much more scruitiny simply by pretending to stand for "traditional family values." And all of that repression leads to some very kinky sex.

Here is a great roundup of the sex scandals of the Bush era (and it is by no means a complete list!):



by Pokey Anderson, December 27, 2008

Jeff Gannon, actually James Guckert, was a fake reporter using a pseudonym, yet was admitted routinely over a period of two years to the White House for press briefings. In his role as conservative reporter, he would lob softball questions at the White House press secretary or the President. He also seemed to have had inside knowledge of several major news events, one of which concerned Valerie Plame. The Secret Service records of Guckert's comings and goings at the White House are curious -- some of the days he checked into the White House, there were no press briefings. Some days he checked in, but didn't check out, or vice versa. Some days he stayed at the White House as long as six hours. . .

Read the rest of the list at: Democratic Underground

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