Sunday, September 12, 2010

Featured Blog: 27b/6

It is rare for me to read a website, and laugh so hard that I need to grab a tissue to wipe my nose and eyes, but this one does it. The excerpt below doesn't get to the funny stuff. In this particular post, David the blogger responds to "George," who wrote an email to him, with the headline below.  David sends repeated answers to George, driving the guy (deservedly) batshit.  Hilarious.


I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.

Sometimes people email me to tell me how their day is going, other times they email me to tell me that I am a dickhead and my website is stupid which I am already aware of due to many preceding emails stating the same thing.

I don't harbor behind a fake name and my email address is clearly listed so it is a simple process for people like George to express their opinion to me but as I never initiate an email correspondence, simply reply, I am not always sure why they bother. . .

Read on at: 27b/6

1 comment:

  1. About the only e-mail I usually get is people who want to advertise.
    But I suppose the bigger blogs get all sorts of crazies on both sides.


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