Thursday, September 23, 2010

Senate Office Posts Homophobic Slur, Conservatives Say "So What?"

Image from source, Joe.My.God.
Yesterday, I was watching my  Twitter feed and Facebook page, and saw the developing story of a post from Senator Saxby Chambliss' office become news.  The proprietor of Joe.My.God. got a comment saying "All faggots must die."  He sought help tracking it down. And he was successful.  Predictably, the people who frequent FreeRepublic, and FOXNation were doubtful. They didn't see the developing story, only the conclusion.  But it happened. I saw it.  Surprise, there are homophobic Republicans.  I trust that doesn't ruin anyone's world view.


Sen. Saxby Chambliss Admits: It Was My Guy That Said "All Faggots Must Die"

The office of GOP Sen. Saxby Chamblis has admitted that it was their staffer that left the comment "All faggots must die" on this blog yesterday. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. . .

Read more at: Joe.My.God.

1 comment:

  1. Very disgusting, indeed- no defense for it.
    And, how about Harry and his sexist comments and claiming a politicain as his pet and all Hispanics should think alike.


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