Friday, September 17, 2010

Sarah Palin's Advice to Christine O'Donnell: Speak Through FOX "News!"

Naturally.  Is there anyone left out there who would still argue that FOX "News" is not an organ of the Republican Party?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well, I'll give you Fox for the GOP if you give me CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, Las Vegas Sun (I'll give you the LVRJ), NY Times, USA Today, etc...
    p.s. my spam word is dork. What did I ever do you to you?

  3. Dan, I know that "liberal media bias" is conventional wisdom, but I don't think it is borne out by facts. The mainstream media is mostly owned by 6 huge corporations, most with very conservative boards and CEOs. MSNBC--despite its liberal-leaning evening lineup--is owned (at least for now) by General Electric, a military contractor. While it is true that Rachel, Keith and Ed are liberals, don't forget the 3-hour morning show with Joe Scarborough, or the fact that Pat Buchanan is a regular on-air contributor.

    Pick any hour of the day on FOX "News," and you'll get heavy right-wing bias. I don't care how "straight news" any given program is supposed to be, there is NEVER any doubt what they're trying to sell. It is my belief that when conservatives don't see RIGHT-wing bias, they assign the news source a LEFT-wing bias by default. But then, as Stephen Colbert famously said, the truth has a well known liberal bias.

    Mainstream news bends over backward to fight the "liberal bias" assignation. They treat almost every story as if there are two equally weighted sides, even if it isn't true. Doing this, they irritate thinkers who know that "The American Family Association"'s counterpoint to a gay rights issue is NOT probably the best "balance" that could be offered. Then, because an interviewer might treat the batshit crazy for what it is, a conservative viewer will call it "liberal bias" because the interviewer seems to be siding with the gay rights viewpoint.

    Nothing can be considered the "correct" view. Everything has to have two sides. The news has been cancelled, and we are now only fed infotainment, commentary, and misinformation. That's the REAL problem.

  4. Oh, as for the spam filter, HAH! That's funny. I have no control over it of course. And it doesn't even freakin' work. If you'll notice, the comment above yours was spam. Pootl.


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