Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Dunno, a "Tea Party" Sounds Kinda Gay to Me!

I had to put a goofy headline on this one, because I refuse to take these people seriously.  Now, all sorts of politicians (and those aspiring to become one) have stepped on a rake while trying to make a joke.  Sometimes, they gracefully step back, walk around the rake, and recover. Sometimes it ends their hopes of an elected office.  But the tea baggers rarely follow a logical path.

Image from source, Think Progress
In this case, a Tea Party "leader" chose to joke around about killing gay people.  Oh, heh-heh-heh, I'm sure he didn't really mean it!  It was just a joke!  But he did so by invoking imagery of the murder of Matthew Shepherd.  I think it's safe to say, that is a particular subject that is not going to work out positively in a joke.  And I don't think that this setup--stringing up and murdering gay people to prevent them from getting married--would pass muster at the Improv.  So, this guy gets canned from the organization. But he's still being backed as a State of Montana candidate!  Unbelievable.


Montana Tea Party Leader Fired For Advocating Violence Against Gays — But Is Backed By State GOP Candidate

Up until Sunday, Tim Ravndal was the president of the The Big Sky Tea Party Association, a prominent Montana Tea Party group. He was removed from that position, however, after apparently endorsing violence against gays and citing the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard on his Facebook page. . .

Read more at: Think Progress

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