Image from source, Raw Story
Keith Olbermann's skewering of Bill O'Reilly is an almost nightly feature on MSNBC's Countdown. You almost expect that in addition to "Bushed!," "Best Persons in the World," and "Worst Persons in the World," there might soon be a "BillO!" segment.
I understand why some people might find it tedious, but I enjoy it. Primarily because Bill O'Reilly--and the FOX "News" Channel overall--need to be challenged. For too long, FOX watchers have been allowed to believe that they're getting actual news from reputable people. They're not. So keep it up, Keith!
Olbermann: Why I keep 'poking Bill O'Reilly in the eye'
According to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, it's not about obsession. He isn't Captain Ahab and Fox's Bill O'Reilly isn't his great white whale, and, in a conversation with CNN's Howard Kurtz, he reveals that he's even getting a little bored of the constant feuding.
Except, just like Michael Corleone, every time Olbermann thinks he can move on, O'Reilly "does something so outrageous," that it pulls him back in. . .
Except, just like Michael Corleone, every time Olbermann thinks he can move on, O'Reilly "does something so outrageous," that it pulls him back in. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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