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I gave it a valient effort, and nearly made it, too. But sometime around 6:45, I was dead asleep. While not nearly as wince-inducing as most of George W. Bush's speaches, it was nonetheless more of the same from him. I had a few eye-rolls, and a few moments where I wanted the ovations to just stop, so that he could wrap it up.
The left-right divide, and the tendency of only half the body to rise or sit on their hands is a little tedious. I understand why they do it. I mean if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton were to clap wildly for something George W. Bush said, they'd be doomed on Super-Duper Tuesday, right? But I have to say, my sympathies were really with the Repbulican half on Congress tonight. How many of them were just playing along? Rising with their, clapping away for The Decider, and just wanting to sit down and get it over with?
Here are a few early reactions to the final Bush SOTU:
State of the Union Reactions
"President Bush today said that earmarks have tripled in number over the last decade, but he forgot to tell the public that he signed those earmarks into law. President Bush also neglected to mention that the tripling in earmarks occurred under a Republican Congress." — Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. . .
Read more at: Associated Press
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